White Plains Domestic Violence Lawyer

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White Plains Domestic Violence Attorney

A domestic violence charge is a serious accusation and can be penalized harshly in New York. There are a lot of emotions tied up within domestic difficulties, and it can begin to feel like those accused aren’t going to be given a fair opportunity to defend themselves. However, those emotions are not a reason for constitutional rights to be disregarded. A White Plains domestic violence defense lawyer can help you make sure that your rights are honored and that you’re given fair treatment.

No matter what you are accused of, you have a right to defend yourself against the accusation and charges. You are owed the respect of not having your rights taken away without your case passing through the justice system properly. Domestic violence charges can have a serious impact on every single aspect of your life, so it’s critical that you take them seriously.

If you want a serious defense, then you need a White Plains criminal defense lawyer at Greco Neyland on your side. We make sure that our clients are given the defense that they deserve.

Skilled White Plains Domestic Violence Lawyer

What a White Plains Domestic Violence Lawyer Does

A strong criminal defense begins with defending your rights, and that’s where our criminal defense lawyers begin. You have a variety of rights throughout the judicial process, and we are responsible for protecting them and making sure that they are observed. As soon as you are aware that you are being investigated, it is beneficial to contact a domestic violence lawyer.

In a domestic violence case, it is important to remain silent and that your rights against self-incrimination are protected. You also have a right to make your case before a jury of your peers. That jury must be persuaded beyond a reasonable doubt of your guilt before you can be penalized. Our job is to see that all of these rights are given the respect owed them by law.

Beyond just defending your rights, it’s also our job to see that you are given a thorough defense against the accusations that are being made against you. We investigate the allegations and surrounding circumstances. We consider how the prosecution can be expected to argue the case and how we can attack the weakest components of that argument. We also develop a proactive strategy for your defense as well.

It’s our job to execute this defense by representing you and advocating for you in front of the court and throughout the judicial process, from pre-trial hearings, where we will make the case for dismissal of evidence or even the charges, when appropriate, right through to sentencing. Should the jury not rule in our favor, we defend you and seek the optimal outcome for you.

The Criteria for Domestic Violence in White Plains, NY

For something to fall into the category of domestic violence in White Plains, New York, it must have two elements. It must be a form of abuse, and there must be a specific relationship between the abuser and the abused.

These relationships will generally fall into one of three different categories:

  • Intimate Partners – Abuse in a romantic or intimate relationship will qualify as domestic violence. Current and former spouses, current and former dating or romantic relationships, or individuals who, regardless of marriage status, have a child together are all intimate partners, and abuse in these relationships could be domestic violence.
  • Family Members – Relationships by blood or marriage are both included as family members under domestic violence rules. This means parents and children, stepparents and stepchildren, and siblings are all included. It could also include other relatives who live or have lived together.
  • Household Members – Anybody who currently or previously has shared a living space together could fall into this category, and any allegations of abuse could be considered domestic violence.

Abuse can occur in a wide variety of different forms and be considered domestic violence. Some of the more common forms include:

  • Sexual Abuse – Sexual acts that someone is forced into or engaged in without consent are considered to be sexual abuse. This includes any activity that involves threats and coercion.
  • Physical Abuse – An infliction of physical injuries and harm on another person is considered physical abuse. This could be done in a number of different ways, but some of the most common cases of domestic violence include hitting, punching, restraining, choking, and kicking.
  • Psychological Abuse Psychological abuse is behaviors that can cause mental anguish and stress, including intimidation, manipulation, humiliation, threats, and other belittling behavior.
  • Financial Abuse – Causing financial harm, restricting access to money, or other control of finances could be seen as a form of financial abuse.

The Impact of Domestic Violence Accusations

Accusations of domestic violence have a number of different consequences that could affect almost every major aspect of your life. Typically, one of the first repercussions you face is the possibility of a protective order being ruled against you. These orders are given long before any kind of trial for charges against you has had the chance to occur. In some cases, there aren’t even any charges involved, and a protective order could still be issued.

Under these orders, you are prohibited from contacting the alleged victim as well as their family and possibly even any children that are involved. There are also a number of other restrictions involved as well, including moving out of a shared home and being required to pay support. A violation of these orders is a serious issue, and depending on the severity and nature of the violation, the penalties could even include jail time.

The criminal charges involved in domestic violence carry a whole separate set of consequences on their own. The exact nature of the potential penalties will depend on the scope and severity of the crimes that you are charged with. It is possible that you may only face misdemeanor charges, although that is often not the case with the abuses associated with domestic violence.

If convicted of a misdemeanor, you would likely face a fine, probation, or even a short jail sentence. It is also quite possible that counseling or training may be required as well. If you are facing a felony offense, then you should also include a lengthier prison sentence as a potential risk of what you could face with a guilty charge.

Some of the major consequences of domestic violence accusations extend beyond just the legal penalties. In particular, you will face the negative ramifications of having a criminal record that is created by a conviction and will show up on background checks. There is also a possibility that even just a restraining order will show up on some background checks. A criminal record can be a burden affecting a wide variety of aspects of your life.

A domestic violence history could have a significant adverse effect on your career and earnings, as many employers may be hesitant to hire someone with that history. The same goes for admissions officers at colleges. Financially, there are negative consequences as well. Many student loan programs will hesitate to offer loans to anyone with a criminal background. Similarly, many creditors will not approve a loan to anyone with a criminal background as they see them as a significant risk not to repay.

In addition to those concerns, there is also the social stigma of domestic violence convictions. Realistically, it will be difficult to build new relationships with a domestic violence conviction in your past, and it can cause your current relationships with family and friends to deteriorate.

A White Plains Domestic Violence Defense Lawyer Can Defend Against the Accusations

Accusations of domestic violence are treated seriously for a reason. Societies generally have a desire to protect those who are vulnerable, and it’s the vulnerability of the situation that makes domestic violence charges difficult not to prosecute harshly. We understand the weight these charges carry and the stressful position you are in and are here to stand beside you as your support system through every aspect of the process.

We also understand that some difficulty within relationships can sometimes lead to claims of abuse that shouldn’t happen as well. False and exaggerated claims used as a weapon within close relationships do happen and are always a risk. That is why, as with every criminal accusation, those accused of domestic violence deserve to have their rights respected and their day in court.

Putting forth a strong defense against domestic violence accusations is imperative. There is a tendency to default to believing the alleged victims in these cases, and that is one of the reasons that a persuasive, experienced White Plains domestic violence lawyer can be a critical component of your defense. We can put together a defense that challenges the evidence and narrative of the prosecution and present an effective argument for why you shouldn’t be found guilty.

In these kinds of contentious cases, you need someone on your side, and Greco Neyland has a team of experienced lawyers who can represent you in the way you deserve. We will advocate for you no matter what you’re facing or what happened to lead you to our firm. If you’re facing domestic violence accusations, contact us today.

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