The term date rape can be misleading in NYC criminal law. There is no requirement that the victim and defendant be dating or out on a date when the alleged rape occurred. Rather, date rape refers to non-consensual sexual intercourse between two people who are acquainted or otherwise familiar with one another. In most instances, the term date rape is associated with the use of drugs or alcohol to elicit or instigate an otherwise unwanted sexual encounter. However, an NYC date rape lawyer provides defense in many situations and circumstances.
At Greco Neyland Attorneys at Law, we represent people of all ages, professions, backgrounds, and circumstances who find they are facing the serious charges of date rape in New York. Sometimes these clients feel they were given consent for sexual intercourse, in other instances, there is evidence that date rape is used as a weapon for retaliation and there is no true victim.
Whenever possible, an NYC date rape lawyer at Greco Neyland helps these clients avoid long jail sentences and the permanent stigma of a convicted sex offender. Learn more about our experience defending NYC sexual crimes, including rape.
Law enforcement and lawyers in NYC may use the specific term “date rape” to differentiate sexual assault or rape charges made against a person known to the victim from those against a stranger.
However, this isn’t a legal term. The elements of date rape and rapes by strangers are the same, and an NYC date rape lawyer will also handle defense and representation for other sex crimes in New York City. Often, familiarity with the victim doesn’t make a difference for conviction or possible sentence.
To prove date rape in New York, a prosecutor must show that the defendant engaged in sexual intercourse with a victim who could not or did not provide consent to having sex. There are several reasons a defendant may be unable or considered incapable of providing consent.
Just as there are varying degrees and severity of charges for violent offenses and property crimes, like burglary, in New York, there are also several different degrees of rape. These are:
The most serious offense is rape in the first degree found at New York Penal Law §§ 130.35. Both the reason for lack of consent, the age of the victim and age of the victim determine the degree charged in a date rape case.
Under New York law a victim cannot consent to sexual intercourse with intoxicated by drugs or alcohol. Even if an intoxicated victim doesn’t fight back or say no to sexual intercourse, engaging in sexual intercourse is legally defined as date rape in NYC.
Inability to consent because of drugs or alcohol is the most common form of alleged date rape in New York. Greco Neyland has handled cases involving:
The best way to address charges for date rape, or another serious sexual offense, in NYC, is with the assistance of a top NYC criminal defense lawyer. You need the skilled and knowledgeable defense provided by a team of reputable and reliable New York lawyers like those found at Greco Neyland Attorneys at Law.
Greco Neyland has convenient offices in Midtown Manhattan, White Plains, and New Jersey to serve clients in all five boroughs of NYC and the greater NYC area. To schedule a free initial consultation regarding NYC date rape charges, call us at (212) 951-1300.
If you are a victim seeking assistance after a sexual assault there are a number of resources in the NYC area.
To report a sexual assault to law enforcement, you can contact The New York County District Attorney’s Office, located at:
One Hogan Place
New York, NY 10013
(212) 335-9000
Alternatively, to speak with a counselor or learn about updates, news, or resources for victims of sexual assault, rape, or date rape contact the New York State Coalition Against Sexual Assault (NYSCASA), located at:
28 Essex Street
Albany, NY 12206
(518) 482-4222.