Manhattan Sex With a Minor Lawyer

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Manhattan Sex With a Minor Attorney

Manhattan sex with a minor crimes are extremely serious, with charges potentially leading to long prison sentences, hefty fines, and registration as a sex offender. Even if you were unaware that you were breaking the law, or if the said act was consensual, you could be implicated in serious crimes. Therefore, if you’re facing charges related to sex with a minor, a Manhattan sex crime lawyer from Greco Neyland, PC, can help you fight the charges.

Sex With A Minor Lawyer In Manhattan

Understanding the Criminal Defense Process for Sex With a Minor Crimes

Facing charges for sex with a minor can be overwhelming and confusing. A Manhattan criminal defense lawyer from Greco Neyland, PC, can support you from start to finish of the criminal defense process, ensuring your rights are protected throughout.

Specifically, they can help you navigate the following stages of the criminal defense process:

  • Investigation phase: If New York law enforcement believes that a sex with a minor crime occurred in Manhattan, they will launch a deep investigation to collect associated evidence. They may get warrants issued to collect digital evidence, such as communications, or carry out interviews and surveillance.If you believe you are under investigation by New York law enforcement in Manhattan, it’s critical to contact a lawyer as soon as possible.
  • Arrests and charges processed: If investigators find sufficient evidence to justify a prosecution, the suspect may be taken into custody and held. During this time, they will receive your specific sex with a minor charges. At this point, it is critical to contact a Manhattan sex with a minor lawyer so they can protect crucial rights, including your right to remain silent and not be subject to unlawful searches and seizures.
  • Pre-trial stage: During this process, your attorney can analyze the evidence and argument brought forward by the prosecution, file motions, and work to meet an agreement or plea deal. If a lawyer finds that evidence against you was obtained in an illegal manner, they can work to get this suppressed or your case dismissed.
  • Defense of your case: If your case ends up going to trial, a lawyer will work closely with you to develop a strong strategy against your sex crime charges. They can gather critical evidence to prove your innocence or show that your rights were violated and work to optimally present legal arguments and supporting evidence in court.
  • Determination of sentencing: If you are found to be guilty of the crime, the judge will have to determine your sentence based on the New York sentencing schedule, taking into account various factors, such as the severity of the crime and your criminal history. A lawyer can work to minimize associated criminal penalties through negotiation.

The Urgency of Contacting Experienced Manhattan Legal Representation

New York has extremely strict laws related to statutory rape, and the subsequent penalties are severe and can have negative lifelong consequences for those accused. Individuals charged with statutory rape can face long prison sentences, with difficulties in getting alternative sentencing. Sentences can depend on various factors, including the age difference between the two parties, the victim’s age, and the circumstances surrounding the offense.

Furthermore, in addition to having a permanent criminal record and having to pay fines or restitution to the victim, those convicted of sex with a minor crimes will likely have to register as a sex offender under New York’s Sex Offender Registration Act (SORA).

As being convicted of a sex with a minor crime can have severe negative consequences that impact personal and professional life, it’s critical to hire experienced legal representation who can help you fight back.

Manhattan Sex With a Minor FAQs

Q: What Are NY’s Age of Consent Laws?

A: According to New York law, the age at which an individual is able to consent to sexual activity is 17. This means that anyone who is 17 or older and engages in activity with a person below the age of consent can be charged with statutory rape, even if they consented to the relationship. Furthermore, if a person under the age of 16 is featured in sexually explicit or lewd content, this is considered child pornography, which has serious associated crimes.

Q: What Is Romeo and Juliet’s Law in NY?

A: In New York, there are no Romeo and Juliet crime statutes that can apply to cases involving two individuals close in age, one of whom is under the age of consent. However, when determining charges and sentencing, courts may take into account factors such as the age distance of the couple. If you face charges of statutory rape, it is critical to contact an experienced criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible, so they can defend your rights.

Q: Is a 17-Year-Old Dating a 23-Year-Old Legal?

A: Yes, it is legal for a 17-year-old to date a 23-year-old in Manhattan; this is because the age of consent to engage in sexual relations with another person is 17. As long as the relationship is truly consensual, with no criminal activity, such as sextortion or coercion involved, the relationship is perfectly legal. If you are unsure about the legality of your relationship, it’s critical to contact an experienced criminal defense lawyer.

Q: What Should I Do If I’ve Been Charged With Statutory Rape in New York?

A: If you’re facing charges for statutory rape in New York, it is crucial to reach out to an experienced criminal defense lawyer as soon as you can. As such charges are extremely serious and can come with long sentences and large fines, even if the relationship was consensual, it’s crucial to have skilled legal representation who can defend your rights and interests.

A lawyer with experience can help you understand the charges you’re facing and navigate the criminal defense process.

Build a Strong Defense With a Manhattan Sex With a Minor Lawyer

If you face charges in Manhattan related to sex with a minor, it is critical to ensure your legal rights and interests are protected. An experienced and skilled Manhattan sex with a minor lawyer from Greco Neyland, PC, is here to deeply investigate the details of your case and address your questions and concerns. Together, we can build a strong defense and leverage critical legal tactics to fight for optimal case outcomes. Contact us today to get started.

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