Bronx Sex with a Minor Lawyer

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Bronx Sex with a Minor Attorney

New York City has strict laws involving sexual relations with minors in order to protect children and ensure their safety and well-being. However, for individuals who have been charged with these crimes in the Bronx or surrounding areas, the consequences can be devastating.

If you face statutory rape charges, a Bronx sex with a minor lawyer from Greco Neyland, PC, is here to help you build a strong case and optimize your legal strategy.

Sex With A Minor Lawyer In Bronx

A Breakdown of Sex With a Minor Crimes in Bronx, New York

In the state of New York, the age of consent to engage in sexual activity with another individual is 17. Anyone who engages in sexual behavior with a person who is under the age of 17 can be charged with statutory rape charges. Even if the relationship was completely consensual, and the two people in the relationship are close in age, statutory rape laws can be applied. Statutory rape is considered to be a felony offense with serious associated criminal penalties.

Long Prison Sentences Await Those Convicted of Sex With a Minor

Depending on the details of the case and the offender’s criminal history, those convicted of sex with a minor crimes in New York can face long prison sentences, hefty fines, and may have to register as a sex offender. Furthermore, they can face restrictions on their rights, such as voting rights and gun rights. An experienced Bronx criminal defense lawyer from Greco Neyland, PC, can help champion your case, advocating for positive case outcomes.

How Can a Bronx Criminal Defense Lawyer Support My Case?

If you face statutory rape or sex with a minor charges, working with an experienced Bronx criminal defense lawyer can make all the difference in your case outcomes. A dedicated lawyer can analyze the details of the evidence against you in the prosecution’s charges and work to build up counter-evidence and develop legal arguments to prove their arguments wrong.

We can help you leverage the following defense strategies:

  • Proving your innocence: A lawyer can help collect concrete evidence, such as communication records, photos and videos, and witness statements, to prove you did not commit the crime you were accused of.
  • Calling the prosecution’s evidence into question: A lawyer can challenge the legality, accuracy, or validity of the evidence that the prosecution is using to justify or prove you committed a crime.
  • Showing constitutional violations: A lawyer from Greco Neyland, PC, can investigate processes associated with your case, including search and seizure processes, to determine whether your rights were violated. If they find that your constitutional rights were breached, they can work to get the evidence against you suppressed or your case completely dismissed.
  • Negotiating a plea deal.: Sometimes, it might be ideal to strike a deal with prosecutors if the evidence is stacked against you. A sex crimes criminal defense lawyer from Greco Neyland, PC, can leverage key negotiation tactics to help you minimize your prison sentence.

A lawyer with experience can help you explore further criminal defense strategies, such as arguing mistaken identity or proving that the prosecution’s evidence is insufficient to prove guilt, in order to determine which legal tactic may be optimal for yielding positive case outcomes. Together, we can help you fight your sex with a minor charges and protect your rights.

Bronx Sex With a Minor FAQs

Q: What Is the Age of Consent in New York?

A: In New York, the age of consent for engaging in consensual sexual activity is 17. According to New York laws, anyone who is of the age of consent and has sexual relations with a person below the age of consent could be violating statutory rape laws. For example, even if someone under the age of 17 consents to sexual activity with someone of the age of 17 or older, the instance would still be considered statutory rape.

Q: Can a 22-Year-Old Date a 17-Year-Old in New York?

A: Yes, in New York State, the age of consent is 17. Therefore, as a 17-year-old is of the age of consent, they can legally date a person who is 22 years old and engage in sexual relations with them. If you are unsure about how New York statutory rape laws apply to your relationship, it’s vital that you work with an NYC sex crime lawyer to make sure to avoid any unintentional legal consequences.

Q: What Are the Romeo and Juliet Laws in New York?

A: In New York, there are no applicable Romeo and Juliet laws. These laws generally make exceptions for couples who are close in age in which one person is of the age of consent, and the other is not. Therefore, in the city of New York, relationships involving sexual activity between two people who are close in age can still be prosecuted under statutory rape laws if one of the parties is under the age of 17. However, penalties for smaller age gaps may be less stiff.

Q: Do I Need a Lawyer If I Was Charged With Statutory Rape in Bronx?

A: If you have been charged with statutory rape crimes in Bronx, it is highly recommended that you work with an experienced criminal defense lawyer. They can help you understand the nature of your charges and the potential penalties you could be facing. They can assist you with navigating the complex criminal defense process, helping you to gather key evidence to build up a strong case, and advocating and negotiating on your behalf for an optimal case outcome.

Mount a Strong Defense Against Your Charges With a Bronx Sex With a Minor Lawyer

Facing sex with a minor charges in the Bronx or surrounding areas can be highly overwhelming and intimidating due to the serious nature of these charges and the lifelong impact a conviction can have.

A compassionate and experienced Bronx sex with a minor lawyer is here to help you navigate the complex criminal defense process, advocating strongly on your behalf for optimal case outcomes. Contact us today to get started discussing your case and building your defense.

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