Assault charges can have serious implications on an individual’s freedom, reputation, and future opportunities. Knowing this can make the prospect of being charged a terrifying experience to deal with. That’s why it’s important to understand your legal options to help make the most informed decision possible. To ensure you are informed, hire a Bronx assault lawyer.
A lawyer can provide the experienced guidance you need to boost your chances of achieving a positive outcome.
At Greco Neyland, PC our Bronx criminal defense lawyer understands how intense the stress that comes from assault charges can be. We empathize completely, and try to offset the emotional burdens with a personalized legal service that makes you more confident moving forward in your case. After examining every detail of your case, we set out to identify all weaknesses in the prosecution’s case and help increase your chances of a charge reduction or dismissal.
When facing an assault charge, the evidence that you and your attorney present will have a huge influence on the outcome of your case. The more well-constructed your argument is, the stronger chance you have to secure the outcome you desire. Some of the most common pieces of evidence used in assault and injury cases include:
A witness’s account of what happened can play a huge role in defending yourself against assault charges. If there were individuals present during the incident, their explanation as to what they saw happen could provide a much-needed and unbiased perspective. When this supports your explanation of what happened, it helps the court to feel more comfortable believing it happened. This is why it’s important to collect statements from reliable witnesses early on.
Having video surveillance footage from security cameras or mobile phones can be another powerful tool to support your defense. This type of footage can help prove that the assault did not happen as described by the prosecution. It can also suggest that you were not involved. For example, if video footage shows you walking away from the scene or not engaging in illegal activity, this alone could be enough evidence to dismiss the case.
Providing physical evidence or highlighting the overwhelming lack of physical evidence can also be critical in assault cases. For example, medical reports that document your injuries in great detail can help to support a claim that you had to act in self-defense. In a similar vein, if medical reports show that the plaintiff did not experience any significant injuries in the altercation, this can reduce the credibility of their assault accusations.
Providing strong character references from family, friends, or an employer can help to highlight your reputation of having a history of favorable conduct. When these references make their testimony, it can create reasonable doubt by presenting you as someone who is unlikely to commit the type of assault charges that you are being accused of. The judge and jury will take these character references into consideration, especially if the prosecution lacks other evidence.
If you do not believe that you were at the scene of any crimes you were accused of engaging in, an alibi can be a great legal defense. While this can be in the form of another person testifying that you were with them, it could also include documentation like a time-stamped receipt or GPS data that shows it would not have been possible for you to be where you are accused of being.
A: Yes, you can file a claim against someone for assault in Bronx, NY. Being found guilty of assault is not only a criminal offense but also a tort. This means you can file a civil claim to seek compensation for any damages caused by the abuse. However, anyone accused of this activity has a right to work with a criminal lawyer and defend themselves in court by sharing what they believe to be true.
A: The penalties for an assault charge in the Bronx will depend on the degree of the charge and other circumstances surrounding your arrest. For example, a misdemeanor assault charge is more likely to issue minimal time spent in jail, especially if the individual is a first-time offender. Felony assault charges in the first or second degree are much more likely to have longer prison sentences, which could last as long as 25 years, depending on the case’s severity.
A: Assault charges are typically brought by the state rather than the victim. This means that the prosecutor has the authority to proceed with an assault case even if the victim wants to drop the charges. However, the alleged victim’s cooperation, or lack of cooperation, can influence the case. For example, if they refuse to testify or make contradictory statements, it could weaken the prosecution’s case to the point where they can no longer win the case.
A: Yes, it is possible for an assault conviction to affect your future if you have been charged and found guilty. It can result in a permanent criminal record. This can impact your ability to secure future employment or housing. Felony convictions can also impact your ability to access certain government benefits and make it more difficult to maintain personal relationships that you had before. This is why it’s important to hire a defense lawyer and fight for your rights.
While facing assault charges can be extremely overwhelming, you never have to face them alone when Greco Neyland, PC, is on your side. Our attorneys are well-versed in addressing issues of liability, understanding the nuances of penal law, and ensuring that your civil rights are fully protected. Contact us today for a confidential consultation and take the necessary early steps to safeguard your future. We look forward to helping you with your case.