White collar crimes can be some of the most serious charges someone can face. These crimes may lack violence and physical harm, but they can often result in far more impactful financial losses than violent crimes. As a result, they carry some serious penalties, and a conviction can often have a devastating effect on someone’s career and life. It’s vital to enlist the support of a Westchester County white collar crime lawyer as soon as possible.
White collar crimes have a particularly bad reputation because the most public examples are often powerful people seemingly taking advantage of vulnerable victims. The associations can lead one to wonder if they are going to get a fair shot or run into a jury that has already made a decision.
The team at Greco Neyland has amassed many years of experience defending cases like yours. The strongest defense between you and the extensive consequences of a guilty verdict could be the support of a skillful Westchester County criminal defense lawyer. You deserve and have a right to a fair trial. It’s our job to fight to make sure that happens.
Particularly because white collar crimes are often complicated, we have to take on the role of educating the juries about the issues to prevent the prosecution from compromising your future. It is important that you work with someone who understands the complexity involved in white collar crimes and is able to make a formidable defense on your behalf.
There is no law defining white collar crimes in Westchester County, NY. Generally, though, this is a term for crimes that are typically non-violent and generally involve some component of deceit or illegal financial maneuvering. These crimes are often committed in some form of professional or business setting, though not always. They’ve come to be associated with affluence, although there are plenty of circumstances that don’t necessarily fit that particular characterization.
Some of the more common forms of white collar crimes include:
Because the idea of white collar crime is such a broad category, the penalties associated with it are equally as broad. In some cases, the crime may only be a misdemeanor, in which case, you may only receive a penalty of a fine and probation. On the other hand, some cases are felonies, which often result in prison time, and depending on a number of factors, that sentence could last for decades.
A variety of factors will go into a judge’s sentencing decision. In part, the question of whether this was a first-time or repeat offense will play a role. The nature of the crime committed can be a factor. Also, in particular, with the potentially widespread effects of white collar crimes, the impact of the crime and the damage done will likely play a role. Anything else the judge believes to be relevant could be included.
While the legal penalties for white collar crimes are often significant, it is important to recognize the consequences of a conviction beyond just those penalties. In particular, a conviction will result in a criminal record that will appear on background checks. That alone will have some consequences, but the nature of white collar crimes can have further negative ramifications.
For instance, career prospects can decline when one has a criminal record. There are a number of jobs and employers that will find it difficult to overlook a criminal record with white collar charges. Given that white collar crimes generally involve sensitive information and money, the chances of being hired for a job involving those things will be scarce. For many, then, this will likely mean a need to make a career change.
A career change may be harder to achieve since a criminal record can negatively affect an application to college. It can also make it nearly impossible to get funding, as most student loan programs will not lend to someone with a criminal record. It can also disqualify you from a number of professional licenses and make others nearly impossible to get approved for.
It can also be problematic to get credit with a criminal record, as lenders often see a risk in getting the debt paid back. Lastly, the social cost of having a criminal background is also something to be considered. Many people will treat those with a criminal record differently. Sometimes, even family relationships can deteriorate after a criminal conviction.
To have the greatest chance of avoiding the negative consequences of a white collar crime conviction, it is in your interest to partner with a Westchester County white collar crime lawyer as soon as possible. Your lawyer is responsible for a variety of things, including protecting your rights and ensuring you are not being taken advantage of by a prosecutor attempting to lead you astray in court. It is critical that you contact a lawyer as soon as you are aware you are being investigated.
So much of proving a white collar crime will depend on the information that is gathered through searches and seizures. You have a right to not be subject to unlawful searches and seizures. An experienced lawyer knows what to look for to make sure that your rights are honored and that you’re not being treated unfairly throughout this process.
In addition to defending your rights, it is also our job to represent you and advocate for you throughout the judicial process. Often, this begins with a thorough investigation of the situation. With the power of subpoena, we can gather together a variety of evidence to help defend you.
In particular, we will need to consider how the prosecution will make their case and how we can attack the validity of their claims. This is a particularly unique process when it comes to white collar cases because the claims are often complex. We are responsible for putting together the right defensive strategy for you and then confidently making that case in court.
White collar crimes, though often lacking the visual damage that we tend to associate with crime, are crimes nonetheless. It can feel frightening and overwhelming to be investigated for these charges. The sentiment and rhetoric surrounding these crimes can leave someone facing white collar charges wondering if it’s even possible to get a fair trial. That’s what makes having a Westchester County white collar crimes lawyer, like Greco Neyland, so important.
It’s our job to make sure that every single right you have through the judicial process is respected and honored. That includes the right to a fair trial by a jury of your peers. That includes the requirement of the prosecutor to prove beyond a reasonable doubt your guilt, or else you are free. We thoroughly investigate every avenue of defense for our clients. When it’s time to represent you before the court, we will put forth as strong a defense as can be mustered.
If you’ve been accused of a white collar crime, you need a lawyer who understands just how complex these cases can be. Contact us today to set up a consultation, and we can discuss the facets of your case. You don’t need to feel alone in this situation. We understand how these cases are won and what it takes to get there. We can get you through this with the greatest possible outcome for you.