Bronx Gun Crime Lawyer

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Bronx Gun Crime Attorney

New York’s gun laws are considerably strict in an effort to prevent criminals from having easy access to firearms. Throughout the state, possessing a firearm without a valid permit can seriously derail your future by giving you a criminal record. Having no permit or having an out-of-state permit can result in harsh penalties that may not be easy to challenge in a court of law. If you are ever arrested for a gun crime, you should contact a Bronx gun crime lawyer today.

Best Bronx Gun Crime Lawyer

New York’s Gun Laws and Harsh Penalties

The gun laws established in New York are largely in place to deter would-be criminals and promote the safety of the city’s many citizens. Getting arrested for unlawful firearms possession can result in harsh penalties if you do not have a valid New York gun permit. Out-of-state permits do not count. If you get caught with an unlicensed firearm, reach out to a Bronx criminal defense lawyer to learn what your options may be.

Applying for a valid firearms license is not easy, and you will have to meet very strict eligibility requirements, all of which are non-negotiable if you want a license. They include:

  • You have to be at least 21 years old or an honorably discharged member of the Armed Forces. If this is the case, the age restriction does not apply.
  • You must have a reliable, strong temperament and be of good moral character. You must have the sound judgment necessary to know when to be entrusted with a dangerous weapon.
  • You must not have a criminal record involving past felony convictions, serious offenses, or outstanding warrants.
  • You must not be a fugitive from justice.
  • You must not be addicted to drugs, either illegal drugs or prescription. Both can seriously affect your judgment and your ability to use a firearm safely.
  • You must not be an undocumented immigrant or a noncitizen of the United States.
  • You cannot have a dishonorable discharge from any branch of the United States Armed Forces.
  • You must not have ever renounced your US citizenship.
  • If you have had a mental illness in the past or have one currently, you have disclosed this to the proper authorities, and they are aware of your standing.
  • You have never been involuntarily committed to a mental hospital.
  • You have never had a firearms license revoked or suspended in the past and are attempting to reapply.

Penalties for Illegal Firearms Possession in Bronx, New York

There are multiple levels of firearms possession offenses that you can be charged with in the Bronx, New York if you are caught unlawfully possessing a weapon in the Bronx. If you are caught with a weapon without a firearms license, you should immediately contact a lawyer and start working on your defense strategy.

Here are some of the different levels of firearms possession that you could be charged with, depending on your situation:

  • Fourth-Degree Criminal Possession of a Weapon: A fourth-degree weapons charge is fairly common, as it encompasses almost any object that could be considered a deadly weapon. You can be charged with fourth-degree criminal weapon possession simply for owning and possessing a gun, sword, knife, brass knuckles, a throwing star, or even some form of a bludgeon. Certain weapons also require intent to be charged with this misdemeanor.
  • Third-Degree Criminal Possession of a Weapon: Such a charge is considerably more serious. This charge is a class D felony and carries a possible seven-year prison sentence. To be charged with third-degree weapons possession, you can possess a fourth-degree weapon but have a past criminal conviction. However, if you possess a bomb, an assault rifle, or a silencer, you may automatically be charged with a felony.

Bronx Gun Law FAQs

Q: How Long Is a Gun Charge Sentence in Bronx, New York?

A: The sentence connected to a gun charge in New York can be considerably long. It depends entirely on the circumstances of the case at hand and whether or not the offender had a prior criminal record that involved previous unlawful firearms possession. Depending on the case, a gun charge could result in a 25-year prison sentence and a fine of up to $30,000 if you are found guilty of a first-degree criminal possession charge.

Q: What Is the Law for Shotguns in New York?

A: New York has specific laws for shotguns, the most significant one being that there is no state license requirement to own a shotgun. However, for the shotgun to qualify, the barrel has to be at least 18 inches in length and a rifle must be 16 inches in length. It’s illegal to have a loaded shotgun outside of your home or business unless you have a license to carry it. You also don’t need a permit to buy a shotgun.

Q: Can I Travel to the Bronx With My Firearm?

A: Technically, yes, you can travel to the Bronx with your firearm. However, you must ensure that you get your firearm licensed in New York and carry a state-approved permit. An out-of-state permit may not qualify, and if the police stop you, you could face harsh penalties for failing to possess an out-of-state permit for your firearm. If you are worried about getting arrested for your legal firearm, reach out to a gun crime lawyer and discuss your situation.

Q: Can I Carry My Gun in New York City Now?

A: Yes, you can carry your gun in New York City, but only if you have a valid New York Pistol License, or NYPL. It is highly illegal to possess an illegal handgun in the city. You need to apply for a valid NYPL in order to openly carry a firearm in the city. Concealed carry is also illegal without an NYPL.

Reach Out to a Gun Crime Lawyer Today

The last thing you want is to be caught in New York City with an unlicensed firearm. The resulting charge and possible conviction could derail your future and give you a criminal record. The legal team at Greco Neyland, PC, can help you fight those charges by developing your case, arguing to possibly reduce the charges, and looking out for your interests throughout the process. Contact us to schedule a consultation with one of our valued team members.

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